Stop the Picky Eating Before it Starts

“All kids are picky eaters.” Or so says the food industry. But is it true? Babies and children learn to like the foods their parents eat. If you eat a whole-foods, nutrient-dense diet and feed your baby those foods, she will like them too. It’s that simple. Avoid “baby-foods” and “kid-food” and your baby will grow to be a child and adult who loves real food.

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Healthy Eating Begins in the Womb

It’s never too late to start eating well—but it’s especially true that it’s never too early. Eating a whole-food, nutrient-dense diet while pregnant and breastfeeding is crucial for setting up your child’s life-long health. Researchers found that flavors in the amniotic fluid and then in breast milk transfer to the baby in an education process that tells the baby what foods are safe and preferred by her mother. 

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Protect the Microbiota: Have a Healthy Baby Who Grows into a Healthy Kid, Adult

The most current research suggests that when we subvert the processes of childbirth and breast-feeding, we sabotage the development of the microbiota. A compromised microbiota also seems to promote inflammation, which begins in the gut and then spreads throughout the body, whether in the arteries or heart, the joints, or the brain.

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